Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008


When Owe came to the State, Denver Colorado was the first city he stayed in, so Denver is a special city for him. He joined the orientation program for one semester here, to be exact at Colorado University, Denver. At the time we had chance to go around some places in the States, Denver was one of our destination. As the capital city of Colorado, Denver is quite crowded. When were here we were lucky because we could visit Moving Animal Museum. This exhibition moved from place to place, and it was in Denver when we were in there, too. Shown in photo we were standing in front of Denver Capitol Building.

Four Corners

I called this special place is "the middle of everywhere". Photo above, beloved Owe and was standing in a center, famous as "four Corners". It is the only place in the United States where a person can stand in four states at once, the corners of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. The corners can be reunited because the four states are squares in shape.

The Garden of GOD, Utah

When we traveled to Utah, we found an extraordinary place called "The Garden of God". This is a kind of garden where we can find many giant stones around. The stones are not artificial, they are real and natural. It seems that "the mature nature" has been carved them all. The shape of the stones are all unique, it is really amazing. Standing among those giant natural phenomena we felt so tiny, so weak and so fragile. My Owe and I maintained to climb and take action on top of one of the cool stone.

Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

Welcome to New Mexico

This "New Mexico" is different from "Mexico". New Mexico is one state, still part of the USA. We reached there after some hours driving by a rent car. When we got there, it was quite hot, but it was okay. We enjoyed some special spots there, and we didn't forget to take some pictures, bought some souveneers and enjoyed some food in local restaurants. Not much I can remember about this journey (akeh sing wis lali..lha wong wis suwi..)

Snow In Colorado

Once, we had rather long holiday. We used this time as useful as possible. After having short discussion, we finally decided to go to some states nearby Arizona. We joined with Aloysius family, rent a car and enjoyed travelling project together. What a wonderfull adventure!
First we visited Colorado state. It was winter at that time, so.. because Colorado is a kind of high land (remember it has the legendary Rocky Mountain!) ..we found snow there! The snow and the pine trees, two mixed fantastic parts of nature...looked so beautiful. Shown in the picture, beloved Owe and I waved to you, in the middle of the breath-taking scenic view. In front of us, it was Amanda, the Aloysius little girl.

Saguaro Giant Cactus

Arizona is a very very hot state. Peole use to joke if you put an egg on an Arizona street, it will be cooked in a minute, well done! However this extreme climate is fine for saguaros, giant cactii which we can find grow
everywhere around Arizona. The special thing about this cactus of course its size, it is really big. The other unique thing is, like fingerprint, no saguaro shapes the same as others, they are all different, they are all have their own figures! Every one who visit Arizona never misses the oportunity to take pictures with them, nor us. Photos shown in this post prove that. I stood near a suguaro in front of a mall in Arizona. Papi Owe and his bike took action with a saguaro groving around ASU. Mbahkung posed with another saguaro in Ghost Town, and Yangkung did the same thing still in Ghost Town, but different time time and event. Saguaro..when I meet you all again?

WHILE Two Alone..

While two alone, we spent some years at The State. Papi Owe had golden chance, he got government scholarship to reach Masters Degree at Arizona State University, USA. I joined him there. So, while we were two alone, no kid yet, we really had much time for each other. We indeed thank God for this apportunity. We enjoyed our time being away from home. We were studying and traveling, enjoying the Uncle Sam State at the same time. No words could represent the era, except: fantastics, still unbelievable, and of course unforgetable. Anyway, I understand that without being his wife, I would have never been to those far beautiful spots. Am I lucky?

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

DINK member

Kami menikah pada hari Sabtu, tanggal tahun 1992 (tahun 2008 ini kami baru saja melalui anniversary kami yang ke-16, lumayan). Sempat, selama lebih dari lima tahun menikah, kami belum dikarunia momongan meski usaha berobat kemana saja sudah kami lakukan. Ke dokter di RS Persahabatan, ke dokter kandungan di seputar Rawamangun, ke embah Ridwan Solo untuk dipijet, tusuk jarum ke Hembing bahkan ke dokter Cauvaras di Amerika (he..he..jauh yak). Nasehat yang selalu kami terima "sudahlah..jangan dipikirin..". Hanya saja kami tidak tahu caranya bagaimana supaya tidak mikirin. Untung kami punya kesibukan selain mikirin. Sebagai PNS aku sangat terhibur dengan pekerjaanku. Alhamdulillah, Mas Owe juga punya kegiatan yang aneka rupa, dibawanya aku kemana saja. Karena kami lama hanya berdua, maka kami puas bener berduaan, kami menjadi DINK selama lebih dari lima tahun. DINK artinya Double Income No Kid ..he..he..ya iyalah..pan kita dapat gaji dua-duanya dari pamerintah..alhamdulillah. Akan tetapi menjadi anggota DINK akhirnya berakhir di tahun ke enam dengan lahirnya anak pertama kami, Lintang Syauqina (ulin) pada 1998.senyumkenyit


Lha ini lakonnya..manis bukan? Umur setengah baya, kelahiran 42 tahun yang lalu (mau isin-isin toh tercantum juga di SK)..sudah tuwir ya..hora popoh! (soalnya mau popoh ya tidak bisa..tidak bisa melawan kehendak-Nya, iya to?). Saat ini status sebagai istri dari seorang suami, ibu rumah tangga, mami dari dua anak dan sebagai ibu bekerja yakni sebagai pegawai di suatu instansi pemerintah. Menjalani masa kecil, remaja dan dewasa di kota budaya Solo, merantau menjadi anggota urbanisasi setelah meningkah. jadi, sebetulnya aku tidak punya pengalaman hidup mandiri misalnya kost pada saat sekolah atau nyantri di suatu pondok, tidak pernah. Pisahku dengan orang tua dan mininggalkan Solo ya gara-gara married karena kebetulan rizki pekerjaan pertama suami di kota metropolitan ini. Sampai sekarang base camp rumah tangga kami di Jakarta, meski tugas dan dinas (terutama suami) bisa di mana saja. Begichu..senyum

Senin, 19 Mei 2008

Mas Owe

Kukenal dia sejak zaman aku bau kencur (bikin sambel urap bu, kok sampe ada kencur..). Sepertinya sejak kelas 6 SD aku mulai melihatnya, saat masing-masing kami wira-wiri sholat jamaah di Masjid Nurul Huda (Ya ampun Nut..too young to die!..maksudnya terlalu muda untuk melirik-melirik), cuma mengenal dan berkegiatan bersama, apa sih yang salah? Apa?

Rahasia Allah, akhirnya pertemanan itu berlanjut sampai kami remaja dan dewasa. Setelah akhirnya kami ke penghulu, maka aku yakin dialah jodoh yang memang dijatahkan untukku.

OWe Nucleous Family

Secara bahwa suami adalah pemimpin rumah tangga, maka pamili kecilku kuberi julukan "Owe Nucleous Family". Ketahuan dari judul, maka yang menjadi Ketua RT ya Papi Owe, disampingnya berdiri dengan ayu Mami Ernut..(maksudnya..aku). Kami dikarunia dua gadis imut, Ulin dan Ulan, they are our inspiration (kayak lagu yah!). Keluarga kecil ini terbentuk pada tahun 1992 di Surakarta Hadiningrat, kampung halaman kami berdua (oit! konangan lagi..iya memang kami what gitu loh?).

Jadi, sampai saat ini..umur keluarga kecil kami 16 tahun, seumuran ABG, sudah lumayan makan asam garam, dan sudah banyak cerita kamu albumkan..Yang bikin lucu, aku dan Ayik sahabatku..punya tanggal resepsi pernikahan yang sangat berdekatan, hanya selisih sehari. Horok, meningkah kok kencan. tapi itulah kenyataannya. Serba-serbi Mei-nya Ayik baca saja di postingnya tentang itu. Seru. Bahkan kalo gak salah menu makanan yang kita sajikan untuk para tamu juga persis ya Yik? Opo tumon? Itu tandanya..memang ada hal-hal ajaib dalam persahabatan.

Kembali ke Owe Fam, pokoknya web log ini khusus aku akan pakai sebagai album untuk mengurai keunikan dari masing-masing Owe Fam dan juga kerabat-kerabat lainnya. Chao in the next post.

Bala Kurawa Ernut

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